Our Chosen Child


Our Chosen Child, Adoption Marketing Specialists

We go way back with Our Chosen Child—so far back in fact that it's hard to tell us apart! You see, the creative team behind Our Chosen Child is also the team that fuels the genius here at Holly Avenue Designs. At Our Chosen Child our passion for design helps create families—how awesome is that? We work with hopeful adoptive families on their adoption profiles, adoption websites, and other outreach materials. We live, breathe and love page layout, photo editing, and copywriting. In addition we've developed our own website(s), brochures, outreach campaigns, print ads, trade show banners, and table displays. Plus, we administer multiple social media pages and platforms and run robust MailChimp campaigns.

LOGO & BRAND DEVELOPMENT / PRINT MEDIA / ENVIRONMENTAL DESIGN / web design / SEo / social media marketing

holly avenue designs madison our chosen child print booklet
holly avenue designs madison our chosen child adoption profile design spread
holly avenue designs madison our chosen child adoption profile design booklet print
holly avenue designs madison our chosen child brochure print custom
holly avenue designs madison our chosen child tip brochure print booklet
holly avenue designs madison our chosen child large banner trade show
holly avenue designs madison our chosen child t-shirt onesie clothing
holly avenue designs madison our chosen child brochure notepad trifold
holly avenue designs madison our chosen child adoption profile design notepad reminder
holly avenue designs madison our chosen child campaign print brochure
holly avenue designs madison our chosen child unique print profile outreach tip
holly avenue designs madison our chosen child notepad reminder print paper
holly avenue designs madison our chosen child business card promotion
holly avenue designs madison our chosen child social media campaign
holly avenue designs madison our chosen child instsagram post social media outreach mobile
holly avenue designs madison our chosen child facebook post mobile outreach social media